New Generation Centrifugal Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems For Springs And Other Small Components

The cleaning of large batches of smaller components and metal stampings can be a difficult undertaking. These part loads tend to entrap liquids, which alone produces most of the problems encountered. Difficulties typically encountered when cleaning large batches of small parts include the following:
1. : Since parts entrap liquids, a good amount of detergent is moved into the rinse tank during each parts transfer. This will increase the consumption of expensive detergents, and eventually will lead to detergent spotting on parts.
2. :
This is perhaps the largest hurdle to overcome. Large volumes of small parts are difficult to dry quickly. The outside of the batch can be dried, but the inside remains wet since the heat and air flow used in the drying tank can not reach the inside of the parts batch.
As a result, drying times are excessive, and a bottleneck occurs, thereby slowing the entire process. It does not matter if your cleaning time is only a few minutes if drying requires several minutes. Plastic parts pose an even greater challenge, since these parts can not be heated excessively.
3. :
Since excessive heat is used in the drying tanks on competitive system designs, baskets are ejected too hot to handle without protective gloves. Parts can not be packaged until a cool-down period is achieved.
4. :
The parts on the outside of the batch are cleaned, but the inside is more difficult to clean. Parts entrap contaminants, preventing its release into the processing fluids.
Most competitive cleaning systems attempt to overcome the above by slowly rotating the baskets during all processes. However, this is not the answer to the problem. Slow rotation forces parts to continuously tumble onto one-another, which can produce scratches and other damage. Detergent drag-out still occurs, even if you tumble parts above the cleaning tank for several minutes. And, drying times are still extended, since slow rotation does not quickly remove excess liquids. The cleaning system includes centrifugal rotation to address the above listed difficulties.
Centrifugal Rotation has the capability of drying parts over 90% in under 10 seconds, virtually eliminates detergent drag-out into the rinse, can provide zero-visible residues using tap water, and produces no parts damage, feats not possible using slow rotation tumbling-type parts washers.